Digital SLR camera for beginners

Digital SLR camera models are not as many pocket cameras, the brand is also circulating a bit. But the number of dSLR camera enough to worry about buyers. This article tries to provide an understanding of the type of dSLR cameras based on the type of target audience on the market today.

This camera is intended for first dSLR camera buyers, a good pocket camera user or have never had a digital camera. Compared to the more advanced cameras, this camera is designed so that "user-friendly" or easy to use. Board cameras are usually mild and too small relative to other dSLR cameras. Also available are many automated "preset scene modes" that users who do not know the basis of photography can easily take pictures in accordance with existing conditions. For example if the photographs at night, using night live scene. Price also distinguish beginner camera with another camera. Beginners camera course tend to be cheaper than a more sophisticated camera. Example: Canon 450D, Nikon D60, Olympus E-450, Sony A230, Pentax km

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